What to expect when worshipping with us

WelcomeEmmanuel Lutheran Church is a welcoming, comfortable and inclusive place.  Except for special occasions like weddings and funerals, dress is usually casual.

Before worship services, there are two greeters standing inside by the front doors in the Narthex, the “lobby” of the church.  They will greet you and shake your hand.   The coatroom is to the left if you wish to hang your coat.  There are restrooms down the stairs to the right and additional restrooms outside Kask Hall.  The ushers will provide you with a worship program and can assist you in finding a seat.  See an usher if you would like a seat cushion for the pew.  Along the back pew row you will find cloth play bags for children.

Children are welcome in worship.  If you need to leave worship with your child, there is a room in the basement reached by the stairs in the Narthex where you can listen to the worship service and take care of your child.  The room is called the Gathering room and is on the right just beyond the basement rest rooms.

The worship program includes instructions on when to stand and sit.  During “The Peace” the practice is to shake hands with those sitting near you.  The Offering is optional

You are invited to join us for the Holy Communion meal.

After the Traditional Service (1st service) ends there is a fellowship hour where coffee and pastries are served in Kask Hall and you can meet and be welcomed by congregation members.  Follow the hallway from the left side door by the pulpit and take a right at the end of the hallway to enter Kask Hall.