Everyday Spirituality Study

This Lent, in our Lenten midweek soup suppers and evening prayer worship services and during 10:00-11:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Studies, will be exploring Bishop Jim Hazelwood’s book, Everyday Spirituality.

On Sundays, we will follow a Lenten study guide prepared by Bishop Hazelwood, that explores different chapters of his book as they go along with the themes of the gospel readings that will be read in worship.

Here are the chapters that we will be exploring:

Sunday, March 1       The First Sunday in Lent

  • Readings:      Matthew 4:1-11 and Everyday Spirituality Chapter 22 Surrender

 Sunday, March 8      The Second Sunday in Lent

  • Readings:      John 3:1-17 and Everyday Spirituality Chapter 11 Trust

 Sunday, March 15    The Third Sunday in Lent

  • Readings:      John 4:5-42 and Everyday Spirituality Chapter 12 Question

Sunday, March 22 The Fourth Sunday in Lent

  • Readings:      John 9:1-41 and Everyday Spirituality Chapter 24 Disagree

 Sunday, March 29    The Fifth Sunday in Lent

  • Readings:      John 11:1-45 and Everyday Spirituality Chapter 9 Laugh

 Sunday, April 5         Palm Sunday/The Sunday of the Passion

  • Readings:      Matthew 21:1-11 and Everyday Spirituality Chapter 26 Grieve

As you can see, there of skipping around in terms of which chapters we will of Everyday Spirituality that we will be focusing on during our Sunday Morning Studies.  However as individuals or as groups at Emmanuel, we are all encouraged to read the whole book.  If you would like to get a copy it is available on Amazon.  Don’t forget to use Emmanuel’s Amazon Affiliate Link–http://www.shop.emmanuelnorwood.org/ if you are going to purchase the book from Amazon.  If you would prefer other buying options or if you would just like to learn more about the book, please check out the book’s website, https://www.everydayspiritualitybook.com/442602105.

Note:   If you don’t have time to read a new book, don’t get the book on time, or if you don’t get the chapters listed here finished before the date of the discussion on that chapter, please know that you are still welcome and encouraged to participate in the Sunday Morning Studies.