Mark your calendars for Worship in the Park and the Church Picnic on July 23rd. We’ll have worship in the park across the street and then enjoy a barbecue and some fun and games. Please bring a salad or desert to feed 8-10 people and please bring a lawn chair if you desire. Help is…
Fireside Coffeehouse is set for Sunday Afternoon, June 25th at 2:00pm. Come and listen or come and play! $5 donation at the door goes to a church music fund. If you are a musical soloist, duo, or trio and would like to perform as part of the evening lineup please email in advance for…
The Welcome Witness Team is soliciting designs for an Emmanuel Lutheran T-Shirt that members could purchase and wear at various events. Designs have been submitted and voting is now on. Shirts that move forward each week will be posted on Friday and voting each week will be open from Friday until 9pm on Wednesday. View…
We will be celebrating Emmanuel’s wonderful staff members during the month of June 2017, and we need your help. Alice Wuschke, Administrative Assistant Beth Donovan, Treasurer Carlos and Angelina, Custodial Staff Diane Bragg, Parish Administrator Gabby Heath, Minister of Music Kendra Lassen, Financial Secretary Amanda Warner, Pastor Each week we will recognize their hard work and…
On Sunday, June 18th we will be honoring those members and friends of Emmanuel Lutheran Church who are graduating from high school, college, or graduate school during the 9:30am worship service and at a reception afterward. If you are graduating or if you have a graduate in your family, please sign up on the list…
On Saturday, June 3rd, at 7:00pm the musical group A Bunch of Guys, which was formed at Camp Calumet and has released two CDs will be performing a concert at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Attleboro, MA, as a fundraiser for a few different charities as well as a way to promote their new CD “Make…
June 4th we’ll be decorating the sanctuary with red geraniums. If you’d like to purchase one, or more ($15 for each 8″ pot) please use the envelope in your pew to place your order and to designate it in memory/honor of a loved one. You can take your geranium home after the service to enjoy…
Make a note – we will begin our Summer Worship schedule Sunday, May 28th. Worship at 9:30am Coffee Hour Fellowship at 10:30am We will return to “regular” Worship Schedule on September 10th
Educational Grant and Camp Calumet Summer campership applications are available in the church hallway. Please complete the application and return to the church office no later than June 18th
Bring a picnic dinner and join us at 6pm on Thursday, May 25th as we gather together to celebrate the Ascension of Our Lord. There will be a short service and we will play with things that go up. In the event of rain we will gather inside in Kask Hall