churchwide events (Page 12)

Ascentria Care Alliance Collection

We are again collecting items to take to the annual Synod Assembly. This year donations are for Ascentria Care Alliance. Items are for families and individuals served by Ascentria: Refugees and unaccompanied minors Older adults and the elderly Children, youth and families Persons with developmental disabilities Those who are economically disadvantaged Items Requested: Pillows (new)…

Book Group Not Meeting

The Book Discussion Group will not be meeting in April.  Our next meeting will be May 19th at 7:30am in the Founder’s Room.  The book selection is:  Lilac Girls by Martha Hall Kelly Please see Helen Rezendes if you have any questions.

Rummage Sale

Emmanuel’s Spring Rummage Sale will be Friday & Saturday, April 28 & 29 9:00am to 1:00pm Setup days are Wednesday & Thursday (April 26 & 27).  Please start collecting your good stuff to bring.  We would love to have your extra clothing, linens, jewelry, small furniture, sporting goods, toys and books.  The rummage sale proceeds…

Welcome Witness Ministry

WELCOME WITNESS! – We’re forming a ministry team to be intentionally engaged in letting our community know that Emmanuel Lutheran Church is actively seeking to serve our neighbors! As people visit, we want to greet and welcome them warmly to Emmanuel. Our first meeting will be May 2nd at 7:30 p.m. Don’t worry if you…

More Than Words Book Drive

Emmanuel will conduct is annual Spring Rummage Sale at the end of April; however, during the same period, we will be running a book drive in conjunction with a fabulous organization called, “More Than Words.” Young people who become involved in this program learn how to sell books in the More Than Words café and…

Holy Week at Emmanuel

HOLY WEEK PALM SUNDAY/THE SUNDAY OF THE PASSION – April 5th Worship at 8:45 & 11:15 a.m. The procession with palms takes us back to Jerusalem on that day of seeming triumph. However, by the time worship ends we will have also experienced the deep sadness of Jesus’ passion and death. The liturgies include the…

Pysanky Egg Decorating – April 9th

A Pysanky Egg is a Ukrainian Easter egg, decorated with traditional Ukrainian folk designs using a wax-resist method. The word pysanka comes from the verb pysaty, “to write”, as the designs are not painted on, but written with beeswax. The Sol family has learned how to do this beautiful craft and would like to share…

Lenten Soup Suppers and Evening Prayer

Lenten Soup Suppers and Evening Prayer Services will be held on five Wednesdays during Lent. Dinner will be from 6:00-6:45 and worship will be held from 6:45- 7:30. If you would like to bring soup or bread for the Soup Suppers, please sign up on the table in the hallway outside of the pastor’s office…