Pastor Amanda will be offering a class exploring Luther’s Small Catechism. If you studied the Small Catechism in Confirmation when you were young, this will be a great refresher course. If you came to the Lutheran Church from a different Christian tradition or from another faith or from no faith at all, this will give…
Sunday, March 12th from 10-11 am, there will be a presentation by a rep from Ascentria Care Alliance (formerly Lutheran Social Services) about ways in which our congregation might assist teenage mothers and their young children as they transition out of Ruth House in Brockton. Please mark your calendars and look for more info about…
Rebecca Sol will share pictures and reflections from her recent twelve day trip to Israel/Palestine during Coffee Hour on Sunday, March 5th This event will be held in the Founder’s Room.
As Heather’s time as our Coordinator of Newcomers and Small Groups comes to an end we will hold a special celebration Coffee Hour to recognize her for the work that she has done at Emmanuel and to thank her for her years of service. This event will be held in Kask Hall.
Did you know that, thanks to our dedicated digital ministry team, we have a growing digital presence at Emmanuel? Our website continues to grow and it is filled with information that is valuable to members and that is also a wonderful snapshot of our congregation, that can help newcomers get an idea of what our…
Join us for a Friday night Fireside Coffeehouse on February 17th at 7:30 p.m. Come and listen or come and play! $5 donation at the door goes to a church music fund. Refreshments provided. If you are a musical soloist, duo, or trio and would like to perform as part of the afternoon lineup, please…
Upcoming Work Day – As we begin a new year we have decided to schedule our 2017 Property Work Days for the year. We hope that getting the word out early helps folks place these events on their calendars and make a point to give a hand. Our first one is for Saturday, February 11th. …
Our Confirmation students and their families are planning to cook up a batch of pancakes and they’ll need lots of folks to come and eat ‘em. There’s a sign up sheet, just outside Pastor’s office – let them know you’re coming and that you’re HUNGRY!! Starts at 6:30 p.m.
Calumet’s Winter Camp still has room for more kids! When? Sunday February 19th – Thursday February 23rd, 2017. This program is an opportunity for campers aged 11 and over to come on up to Calumet and experience all that we have to offer in the wintertime. There’s nothing quite like Calumet in the wintertime, so…
After the worship services on February 5th our Confirmation students will be collecting money and the food items listed below. The food items and the money will be donated to a hunger fighting agency chosen by the Confirmation students. Please give generously to help feed the hungry. Here are some items that food pantries frequently need:…