Wednesday, September 18 6:00-7:30 Confirmation Orientation for students and parents 7th grade and older. For more information about our confirmation and to register for classes please see the following page: Confirmation Class
Friday, September 20 6:00-9:00 Jailbreak Night for students 7th grade and older. We will gather for pizza and ice cream sundaes and have time for at least a couple games of Jailbreak. Students are encouraged to bring their friends, phones, and flashlights to play this game that is a crowd favorite for Emmanuel’s youth.
Friday, September 20 – 7:00 Emmanuel’s Book Discussion Group regroups in September and if you are interested in joining, this would be a great time to! This month’s selection is: Where’d You go Bernadette by Maria Semple (this is currently being made into a
A new offering for youth 7th grade and older. We will gather for this first meeting for food, fun, planning…and Jesus! Come see what it’s all about!
On Sunday, September 29, at 4:00 p.m. we will be holding a Blessing of the Animals on the lawn at Emmanuel. Pets of any kind are welcome at this service as long as they are properly contained and cleaned up after. If you pet does not enjoy meeting other animals or new people, then then…
Ernie Boch Jr, one of Norwood’s residents, donated to the Norwood Food Pantry, you can hear from him as well as others about the Food Pantry’s need for donation. If you want to donate please see the needs below as well as how to donate. Video about Norwood Pantry We have critically low stock –…
The school year begins again soon, and on Sunday, September 1st, during the children’s sermon, we will have a special blessing for students and for everyone who works in education in any way. Students of any age are encouraged to bring their backpacks or something else that represents the beginning of school to them. Teachers,…
Our semi annual congregational meeting is happening Sunday June 23rd at 10:45 after worship. Please plan on joining us while we vote on important matters and select new council members.
This Sunday, June 9, we will be celebrating Pentecost at our 9:30 a.m. worship service. We will also be celebrating the Confirmations of 5 young people in this community. We hope you will be able to be there, to celebrate the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life, our church, the world, and the…
You might remember that during the season of Lent our Forward Leadership Team and Council invited people at Emmanuel to come to forums that gave them the opportunity to share their answers to why Emmanuel is their church. What brought them here and what keeps them coming back? Well, over the course of 5 Sundays…