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Virtual Vacation Bible School — Aug 4 to Aug 6

Emmanuel Lutheran Church is so excited to announce that VBS WILL BE HAPPENING this year! With one modification though. Instead of you bringing your kids to VBS, we are bringing VBS to your kids. This summer, on Tuesday, August 4th, Wednesday, August 5th and Thursday, August 6th, we will be using a quarantine-friendly VBS called…

Assist at Zoom Worship

Follow the link to our sign up genius to sign up to assist with our online worship services as a Lector, Psalm Leader, Petitioner (leading the prayers of intercession), or as a designated responder (an individual, couple, or family who are unmuted for the assembly responses during Zoom worship).  We’ve also added a new way…

Dear Church Reading and Discussion

Letter from Pastor Amanda to the congregation on 6-4-2020 I still felt like I was a new pastor here at Emmanuel back in June of 2015, when an armed young white man walked into Emanuel AME church in Charleston, South Carolina, attended Bible Study with some of its pastors and members for an hour before…