Emmanuel T-Shirt Design Contest Voting Form Please complete the following form to vote for your favorite shirt design. Select one design for the back, if you prefer no design select that option. ~~~ TIEBREAKER ~~~
Friendship Freezer- Please access the resources in the Friendship freezer. I would like to encourage people to take a meal or other item to someone they know who might be in need. I especially encourage our members who visit the homebound to feel free to access this resource. For more information, contact Michele Dodds
Throughout the season of Lent we gathered together as a community to share a meal and join in a service of reflection.
Cleaning up is always more fun when it is a group activity and members of Emmanuel proved that to be true when they gathered in April to tidy and clean the church and church yard
On Palm Sunday Emmanuel had a Pysanky Egg decorating event where we crafted these eggs.
Throughout the months of February and March we gather together in Kask Hall, join together in fellowship and prepare and assemble quilts which are then sent to Lutheran World Relief. You don’t need to know how to sew to help in this fun activity. Join us from 9am to 12pm sent off to those in…
The confirmation class hosted a pancake supper on Shrove Tuesday. The supper concluded with the burning of the palms from last year; the ashes of which were used for Ash Wednesday
This day is an invitation to make each day anew beginning, flooded with God’s forgiveness. Lent begins with a call to repentance. Confession concludes with the optional sign of ashes, to remind us of our human mortality and frailty. Service Times: 2pm in Founder’s Room 7:30pm in the Sanctuary
The 2017 Altar Flower Chart is now posted in the Narthex. To sponsor a Sunday, please sign your name and phone number. Our Flower Coordinator, Helen Bonaceto, will contact your regarding the dedication and payment. We appreciate all those who help to adorn the sanctuary on Sundays with fresh flowers.