LuminariAs for Christmas Eve

Here’s a way to help brighten our neighborhood for Christmas and to help the youth of our congregation get to the 2027 National Youth Gathering in Minneapolis, MN.
Our youth are selling luminarias that will be set out around our church on Christmas Eve to share the joy of the birth of Christ, the light of the world, with each other and our neighbors.
For $5.00 you can dedicate a luminaria in memory or in honor of a loved one. The price covers the cost of the luminaria and also will provide some income to help our youth fundraise for their trip. Our goal is to get to 100 bags!
Please submit this form and your payment to the church office on or by December 18th so that your order can be included. If you are paying by check, please make the checkout to Emmanuel Lutheran Church and put Luminaries in the memo line. For your convenience you can also arrange your payment online using this online giving form.