Events (Page 6)

Ash Wednesday Zoom Worship Service

Ash Wednesday Worship: A 7:30 p.m. Ash Wednesday service will be held on Zoom. If you would like to have ashes for that service so that you can impose them on yourself and on members of your household, they will be available to be picked at Emmanuel prior to Ash Wednesday. The church will be…

Christmas Day Zoom Worship – 10am

Christmas Day service will be at 10:00 a.m. with a recording of the service available for people view later in the day. Christmas Day worship will be a service of readings, carols, and prayers. Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 943 0024 1405 Passcode: 935370 Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1…

7pm – Dear Church Discussion

We will be discussing Lenny Duncan’s book: “Dear Church” at two times (10am and 7pm). The goal will be to have the discussion gatherings last no longer than an hour and a half.  We will be using the discussion questions in the back of the book for our conversations and we will cover more than…

10am – Dear Church Discussion

We will be discussing Lenny Duncan’s book: “Dear Church” at two times (10am and 7pm). The goal will be to have the discussion gatherings last no longer than an hour and a half.  We will be using the discussion questions in the back of the book for our conversations and we will cover more than…

Bolt VBS Finale

We are so excited to wrap up an exciting, fun, and unique Vacation Bible School.  We look forward to talking together to share our experiences.

Bolt VBS Kickoff!

Emmanuel Lutheran Church is so excited to announce that VBS WILL BE HAPPENING this year! With one modification though. Instead of you bringing your kids to VBS, we are bringing VBS to your kids. This summer, on Tuesday, August 4th, Wednesday, August 5th and Thursday, August 6th, we will be using a quarantine-friendly VBS called…

Communion — 11:15am

Communion is held at 11:15am. on Sundays. The service will be in the sanctuary.  If you would like to attend please sign up using the signup genius link posted above where it says “register”. We are following carefully prepared building use guidelines for any activities held in Emmanuel’s building during this pandemic. We also ask…

ELCA Commemoration of Emmanuel 9

We will have an opportunity to watch the ELCA’s prayer service commemoration of the Emmanuel 9 who were killed in an act of racial violence by a self-professed white supremacist together.  We’ll watch the commemoration together and discuss it via a shared Zoom experience. Topic: Prayer Service:  Commemoration of Emmanuel 9 Time: Jun 25, 2020…