Join us via Zoom Thursday night for our Everyday Spirituality Study Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 702 698 140 One tap mobile +16468769923,,702698140# Dial by your location +1 646 876 9923 Meeting ID: 702 698 140
Join us via Zoom Thursday night for our Everyday Spirituality Study Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 702 698 140 One tap mobile +16468769923,,702698140# Dial by your location +1 646 876 9923 Meeting ID: 702 698 140
Friday Night Live is Emmanuel’s ministry for and with youth in 7th-12th grade. Each week we’ll share snacks, prayer requests, highs and lows as well as do some fun activities and service projects. Youth are always welcome to bring a friend to Friday Night Live.
You are invited to attend an information session about the 10th annual Community Service Fair on Monday, February 24th at 7:00 p.m. here at Emmanuel, in Kask Hall. The purpose of this information session is to get more people and organizations involved in planning for the 2020 Community Service Fair, which is scheduled for Saturday,…
Ash Wednesday Services will be held on Wednesday February 26th at 3pm and 7:30pm. We hope to see you then
On Shrove Tuesday, February 25th, the Confirmation class is preparing a pancake supper. Join us at 6pm for supper followed by a special litany for the burning of the palms. The ashes from the burning palms will be used on the 26th for Ash Wednesday services
Join us Wednesday night via Zoom for Evening Prayer Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 761 127 046 Join by phone: +1 646 876 9923 US (New York) Meeting ID: 761 127 046
A pysanky is a Ukrainian Easter egg, decorated with traditional Ukrainian folk designs using a wax-resist method. To decorate the egg in intricate designs one writes on the egg in wax. If you’d like to learn how to do this please come to our egg decorating afternoon. All supplies will be provided. Cost is $5.00/person. …
Its time for our next round of Ministry Team meetings as part of our Ezekiel 37 initiative to seek God’s Spirit to breathe new life into the organizational structure of this congregation. Beta group consists of Finance, Fellowship, Property, Stewardship, and Youth. The meeting will begin with a light lunch and devotion before the teams…
Its time for our next round of Ministry Team meetings as part of our Ezekiel 37 initiative to seek God’s Spirit to breathe new life into the organizational structure of this congregation. The Alpha group consists of Learning, Mission Fund, Service, Welcome Witness, and Worship. The meeting will begin with a light lunch and devotion…
There will be a brunch between services (from 10:00am to 11:00am) for people new to Emmanuel, so that we can get to know you better and so that you can learn more about the congregation and its ministries. The brunch will be held in the Founder’s Room. Please let us know you’re coming by emailing…