Lutheran World Relief Personal Care Kits

Lutheran World Relief (LWR) Personal Care Kits – During March and April, we will be collecting items for the LWR Personal Care Kits.  Baskets are in the office hallway.

Items needed are:

Light to medium weight dark bath towels
(available at a good price at Ocean State Job Lot and Walmart)
• Bars of soap – LWR asks for 8-9 ounces per kit

LWR also asks for monetary donations towards postage overseas. If you prefer to donate
towards postage, write a check to Emmanuel with a note that it is for LWR postage.
If you would like to donate but aren’t able to shop for the kits, I would be happy to shop for you.
You may have notice that some items are missing from this list. They have been already
donated by congregation members.