Sermon archive (Page 20)

A Church is a People – 5-10-2020

May 10, 2020 The Fifth Sunday after Pentecost – Emmanuel, Norwood, MA Year A The Rev. Amanda L. Warner Zoom Worship 1 Peter 2:2-10 Just before I left Prince of Peace to come here to Emmanuel, Prince of Peace celebrated its fiftieth anniversary. I had worked with a group of people for more than a…

A Psalm for the Living, a Psalm for Today

May 3, 2020 The Fourth Sunday of Easter Emmanuel, Norwood, MA Year A Pastor Amanda L. Warner Zoom Worship Psalm 23 A Psalm for the Living, a Psalm for Today King David was a shepherd. That’s how he started his life. Tending to his father, Jesse’s, flocks on the hills around Bethlehem. He had to…

Blinded by Hope – 4-26-2020 – Easter 3

April 26, 2020 The Third Sunday of Easter Emmanuel, Norwood, MA Luke 24:13-35 Pastor Amanda L. Warner Zoom Worship Blinded by Hope Our gospel reading for today is one of my favorite stories in the whole Bible. And it was made even more of a favorite last year when I shared it with the First…

Is this the day the Lord has Made? – Easter Day – April 12, 2020

April 12, 2020 The Resurrection of Our Lord/Easter Day Emmanuel, Norwood, MA Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24 Pastor Amanda L. Warner Zoom Worship Matthew 28:1-10 Is this the Day that the Lord Has Made? My favorite movie when I was growing up was The Sound of Music. We never missed it when it was shown on TV…

Maundy Thursday

April 9, 2020 Maundy Thursday Emmanuel, Norwood, MA John 13:1–17, 31b–35 Pastor Amanda L. Warner Zoom Worship Tonight’s service is hard. Maundy Thursday worship, the way that we’ve always done it, does not translate well, in my mind, to a video format a zoom format. It does not translate well when we cannot be together…

Palm-Passion Communion Meditation – April 5, 2020

April 5, 2020 Palm Sunday/Sunday of the Passion Emmanuel, Norwood, MA Communion Reflection Pastor Amanda Warner Zoom Worship Like many people, I enjoy playing games on my phone. I find it to be a relaxing pass time. I play sudoku. I play word games. I play those block puzzles that remind me of Tetris, even…

Grieving – Lent 5 – March 29, 2020

March 29, 2020 The 5th Sunday in Lent Emmanuel, Norwood, MA Year A Pastor Amanda L. Warner Zoom Worship Service John 11:1-45 Morning Prayer Psalm 130 Grieving Every day for the past two weeks I have woken up in the morning to a Facebook feed full of messages of words of encouragement for a time…

Healed – Lent 4 – March 22, 2020

March 22, 2020 The Fourth Sunday in Lent Emmanuel, Norwood, MA Year A Pastor Amanda L. Warner Zoom Worship Service John 9:1-41 Morning Prayer Whose fault is it? There is a segment of the population, perhaps a personality type, that tends to response to a crisis situation, a situation of distress, a personal accident or…

Alone – Lent 3 2020 – March 15, 2020

March 15, 2020 The Third Sunday in Lent Emmanuel, Norwood, MA John 4:5-42 Pastor Amanda L. Warner Alone I have been a pastor for 17 and a half years. And this is a first. I have never cancelled the public gathering of my community of faith for worship on a Sunday before. I have never…